Dan Ferro · subtext series
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The abstract images in this series explore the balance of texture, color, and form found in disregarded places that are in transition. Detail as fine as paper fibers, color as subtle as light on a single thread, and elements as simple as a diagonal line all interact with the broad strokes of focal plane and depth of field.




Taken in London's Underground at the end of 2001, these fifteen images are digital photographs of the remains of posters. They are images of sections of advertising space being prepared for new posters.




As layers of posters were scraped away, a subtext emerged, rich in imagery and, for a brief time, open to exploration. Seeing order in these random elements, framing one visual organization among many possibilities is a reminder of how we should understand the order, sometimes disregarded, in ourselves, others, and societies, always aware that we too are in transition.




These images are the result of a unique interaction between the artist, subject, and technology that was guided by over 30 years of experience in the arts and the computer industry. This interaction began even before the image was captured, while it was being viewed on the camera's small LCD panel, and then later on a large color calibrated monitor during digital processing.




Thousands of changes were made in each image. The technical palette of image editing software allowed me to make individual adjustments in a single pixel and broad changes across the entire image. This series was completed in October 2002.

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