Dan Ferro · thickPaint series
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This series is an exploration of the texture of paint. Seeing the work of Frank Auerbach at the Royal Academy of Arts in London in 2001 and the new work of Gerhard Richter at SFMOMA in San Francisco in 2002 caused me to look more closely at the texture of their paintings. Color, shadow, and stroke drew me into the detail.




For this series, I painted areas of poster board with acrylic paint. The painting process gave me a first hand appreciation of the work of the masters. Each of the images presents only a 3x4 inch section of a painted area.



These images are not thick paint, like Frank Auerbach's work, but a thick analysis, a multifaceted look at a painted surface. The scanning process provides a visual analysis that cannot be achieved with the human eye or a traditional camera. Both the lens and the light pass over the paint's surface, capturing thousands of small images from different points of view and lighting positions. The pieces are brought together to create the final image. Editing of the final images was completed in August 2003.

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